Docos and mini series are more on-damn-trend than ever before and we are certainly not complaining. And if ‘ya loved Making Of A Murder we’ve got some fabulous true crime docos to binge on. Uncovering the perpetrator, finding new evidence or even just deciphering a killer’s motives; true crime takes you along for the ride. A real life ride through the horrific capabilities of human beings and their injustices. You may not be able to save Steven Avery but channel that detective within you and figure out these cases as you watch.
#1 Knox
Must watch (if you haven’t already and love the genre.) Knox deals with the Italian murder case and the media’s influence. Amanda Knox was portrayed in the media from the 2005 murder until today as a promiscuous murderer well before any charges were being laid. Shaky evidence, an obscure story and no other viable suspect led to Knox’s trial by media. A new villain emerges in the series and it’s not Knox, instead the finger is pointed at salacious journalists for printing untruths and diverting the course of justice. Knox was acquitted in 2009 but still faces the placement of guilt across the world, this doco seeks to show her in a new light. Must watch.
the truth about then #AmandaKnox documentary, is that we all need to look in the mirror.
— Kristen Bell (@IMKristenBell) October 3, 2016
#2 Cocaine Cowboys
Miami, cocaine and crimes so extensive it’s been labelled a real life tale of Grand Theft Auto. Flamboyant dealer Jon Roberts and expert transporter Mickey Munday talk through the fast life of drug wars, trafficking and the crimes committed to maintain their status. How did Miami turn from a sleepy retirement village to a playground for dirty money? Bags, money and bodies. Exploring the social effects of a city built on illegal money and foreign interests. It’s been revisited recently too, so enjoy the two part offering of what is Narcos of the USA.
#3 Central Park Five
Exploring a case where race and violence intersected violently, the 2012 documentary takes on a rape in Central Park. If your taste for unravelling injustice has been piqued by Netflix docos then this is for you. The group of five African American males were portrayed as animals, a wolf pack, wildings and ended up serving five years for a crime they didn’t commit. Racially charged, scapegoating, a perverted course of justice, this tale has it all.
#4 Kids For Ca$h
A story so horrific it inspired a Law and Order: SVU episode, Kids for Ca$h looks at when the justice system becomes the criminal. 3,000 children sentenced to a juvenile facility for minor infractions such as swearing, creating a fake Myspace page even nothing at all. Gaining a finders fee for each of the not so criminal, wherein a judge collected a bounty for their misfortune. Once entering the juvenile justice system, getting out or returning to society becomes more difficult by the day. Effectively sentencing these kids to a life of delinquency. Gripping, horrific and eye opening, turning the tables and analysing the criminals within the justice system is explosive viewing.
#5 Tallhotblond
An chatroom love triangle leading to murder makes for a unbelievable tale of deception. The online love affair began between screen names tallhotblond and marinesniper, but neither were who they said they were. When their exchange fizzled, the online campaign to expose each other led to the death of another online lover, beefcake. Dealing with reality and online fixation in a way that will have you pondering. The original tale of Catfish.
Image source: NY Times, Independent UK, Fella Magazine, Slate Magazine, Youtube, PBS, Collider.