Dating & Sex, Life

Creative Second Date Ideas To Keep Them Coming Back For More

Once you’ve actually secured a second date, how do you decide what to do? I generally believe the best first dates ideas are drinks or dinner (you need to be able to allow yourself to get lost in talk, otherwise how do you learn about your potential paramour?). Once you’ve broken down the barrier of ‘getting to know’, you can be a bit more creative in your date ideas.

Nail Down Your Common Interests.

So, you both love animals, eh? Well, what better date idea would there be than the zoo, or your local aviary, or a charming little farm? The Melbourne Zoo is genuinely one of my favourite places in my city, and it makes me happy to go there, a mood which bodes well for a potential date. I once went to the Collingwood Children’s Farm on a date and got to watch a goat give birth- certainly a talking point. Take note of the kinds of things you both enjoy and find an activity relative to this, making sure it’s something that gives you the time and space to chat as well.

Get Away

Jump in the car, or onto a train, and get away from your local surroundings for a bit. Heading to the same nearby locales and attractions might be a bit tiresome after a while. If you’re anything like me, you want a partner that wants to explore and get out as much as you do. You can do the research together and plan a getaway of whatever size you feel comfortable with. It will also show you how someone can be to travel with, which might be a good tip-off for the long-term.

Go Dutch

Regardless of who paid for things on the first date, it’s wise to do a split on the second. You don’t want to set a precedent where one person feels like they’re always paying. Do things and go places that fit your finances. There’s no reason you can’t see someone you fancy because you’re a bit skint. There’s loads of free things to do in your city if you go hunting online, and hopefully you feel comfortable enough around someone to simply say, “Let’s do something el cheapo this weekend, my invoices haven’t been paid yet.”

Cook Together

Seems corny, but it’s really rather pleasant. Rather than sitting across from one another in a restaurant, it’s nice to head to someone’s home and work together to get dinner on the table. Chatting and getting through a few beers while you assign tasks (“You cut the capsicum, I’ll slice the mushrooms”) makes for breezy conversation and an ultimately relaxed atmosphere.

Allow Time

The second date is often when we get into the nitty-gritty; saying a lot of the things we might have too reticent to share on the first meeting. It’s the gradual ease of comfort with another person, something that only becomes stronger as you go on (hopefully!). Try to avoid meeting for a quick lunch on your hour break, or squeezing them in between other appointments. It’s always nice to see a person make time for you, and hopefully you’d do the same. You want to feel like you might be able to talk for hours- all the better if you do!

Get Laid If You Want

Quick tip: don’t feel bad about having sex on the second date- or even the first. There’s this weird slut-shamey expectation where it’s apparently untoward to sleep with your partner before the third date (who makes up these rules?)- screw that, pun intended. Go for your life.

Image Sources: Chopra

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Writing and podcasting, usually while listening to Phil Collins.

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