
Mercury Is In Retrograde And It’s Bringing Up Things That Have Haunted Us In The Past

Oh and if that’s not scary enough, it went into retrograde on Halloween…

On October 31st, aka Halloween, Mercury went into retrograde for the third time this year. Unfortunately it’s going to be in retrograde for a little while longer, up until the 20th of November. A Mercury retrograde occurs when the inner planet Mercury appears to go in a backwards motion, hence in ‘retrograde.’ It usually occurs a few times each year, but each time is completely different, and lucky for us, this one’s a real doozy.

So What Does It Mean

If you’ve been feeling like your life has been a little bit all over the place lately, you have astrology to thank for that. This Mercury retrograde is resurfacing problems that have haunted us in the past and forcing us to confront and deal with them to move on.

Maybe an ex partner or ex friend has come back into your life, or is about to? Maybe you have been reminded of something super painful that happened to you in the past that you haven’t fully moved on from? Whatever the case may be, these couple of week have us tackling some scary things head on.

This is all occurring in powerful and mysterious new moon, Scorpio. Scorpio’s domain is in the shadows, so this Mercury retrograde will force us to look deeply into ourselves and draw upon things that we may have hidden away. Self reflection is extremely important during this time.

Who Will This Affect The Most

  • Scorpio and Taurus: will feel the affects of retrograde the most intensely.
  • Leo and Aquarius: will find this the most challenging. Issues that arise during this Mercury retrograde may deeply upset and distress these signs who don’t always know how to deal with the introspection that must follow.
  • Pisces, Cancer, Capricorn and Virgo: will find this time the most beneficial. While it may also be hard for these signs, it is a great time for them to reflect and work on unresolved issues. Perhaps this may include forgiving someone who has wronged them in the past or forgiving themselves for past mistakes.

It May Also Affect Your Sex Life

During this Mercury retrograde feelings may resurface for an ex lover. Perhaps not even ways you might think. You might find yourself dreaming about an ex, or unexpectedly being reminded of an old flame. However don’t let yourself be fooled into texting your ex, ride out the next week and a half and see how you feel at the end of the retrograde.

You should also be conscious of the fact that Scorpio’s moon sometimes makes our feelings a bit cloudy. Famously opaque Scorpio season is never a good time to bring up any serious ‘what are we?’ conversations with new hookups or any important relationship discussions.

Read more about astrology here.

Image Sources: Instagram (@Astrocult) 

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