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Perfect Festival Itinerary: How To Last The Whole Day

Stay hydrated, friends.

With many a festival in sight on the brink of the season, we’re bloody excited for what’s to come this summer. But Aussie fests tend to incur some tough obstacles along the way, especially during the hotter months.

That’s why you need to be prepared in order to last the entire day (or weekend), you know, so you don’t have to tap out before it gets going. No one wants to pass out before the evening and miss their favourite act, amirite? So we’ve teamed up with headspace to bring you our Ultimate Summer Festival Guide, and some tips on lasting the distance.

#1 Sunscreen

One of, if not the most important things you’re going to need to pack in your festival bag. Sorry to get all Mum on you, but reapplying sunscreen every few hours (if you remember) is going to help you smash through the day. From personal experience of looking after a mate who got sunstroke on the first day, that shit ain’t fun. And there’s nothing worse than the feeling of being burnt to a crisp when there’s no aloe vera in sight either. Hello peeling (*internal vom*).

#2 Food, Glorious Food

Make sure you’re grabbing a feed throughout the day, or at the very least load up on a massive breakfast beforehand. There’s nothing worse than getting too many drinks down you then realising you’re about to throw up due to the fact you’ve had nothing to eat all day. Work out when you’ve got a break between acts ’cause that’s your chance to run and grab a kebab (or three).

*Hot tip, take some museli or energy bars in with you. They’re usually an ok item to take with you (double check on bag rules before entering), and you’ll never be more happy to see a strawb and yoghurt museli bar hanging in ‘ya pocket when deep in the mosh.

#3 H20

Beer/cider/vodka or whatever else you may be drinking does not count as water. Neither does whatever else you’re getting on. Dehydration is one of the major downers at a music festival, and let’s face it, you don’t want to be caught waiting in the massive line for the medical tent. Alcohol is dehydrating in itself, and pairing lots of it with hot weather can be fatal. Keep a water bottle with you at all times, there are always water stations around to refill – keep that body happy.

#4 Pace Yourself

Don’t be the one that has to go back to the tent at 2pm because they’ve gone too hard to fast. Apart from being frustrating that you’re missing all the acts, it’s really quite embarrassing. Take it slow throughout the day so you’re not having to tap out mid way through. You know what your limits are, so try your best not to feel peer pressured – because only bad things happen when you go beyond your line. Know your limits, folks.

#5 Keep Your Charge

Bring a portable charger with you because between phoning friends when you lose them, looking up set times and taking photos, your phone will die faster than you think. And there’s nothing worse than not being able to find your friends, or update the ‘Gram for the memories box. Worse comes to worst, you can always pay for the charging booths dotted around at most festivals. It’s nice to have that reassurance, though.

Whatever you’ve got planned at your next festival, just try to be as safe as possible. Know your limits and don’t got too OTT. If you need a few tips on making it through in one piece, check out headspace’s festivals page for all of the tricks before hitting your next big festival day (or days!) Be smart, have a fab time and get amongst it, without any regrets.

Image Source: Beyond The Valley Facebook

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