This might not come as a surprise for all you Disney stans, the true heroes who have signed up to Disney+ from day one and have likely trolled through a lot of their content since. But this is something I’ve somehow only just come across.
In our new-norm lives as iso kings and queens, streaming times have never been higher and let’s be honest, that ain’t changing anytime soon. But in a nostalgic tip of the hat that’ll take you right back to late 90s/early naughties Saturday Disney at about 8am, classic ‘toons Recess, Doug and The Emperor’s New School are all available right now on the streaming giant.
And I mean, was there really a better moment? After a week of Mrs Keneally (or was it Ms..) giving you nothing but GRIEF in year five, you just kick back come Saturday morning, whip out a boxed pack of Frosties and pour yourself a glass of Milo milk (or really 95% Milo, and 5% milk). I mean it really makes isolation seem not that bad when you cast the mind back.
A range of Disney hosts would have some cute banter (honestly now with the power of hindsight, how many of them were banging??), Before we got stuck into literally hours of these classics – particularly Recess which was a total vibe.
The uber-relatable schoolyard mischief of TJ, Mike, Vincent (a personal fave), Ashley and co – and who could forget old m88 Muriel the terrifying principal. Also I low-key loved Randall aka the devious do-bad-er, who just talked shit and schemed away like a mini Mr Burns wannabe.
The first three seasons are all available on Disney+.
I mean I was also a big Hey Arnold fan, and this felt like a bit of a rip at the time, but the show grew on you with each watching.
Toon-favourite Doug is also on Disney+, but it was aNickelodeon show originally, so when Disney picked it up after four seasons, I wasn’t really sure if it’d still be decent.
And look, in honesty maybe it didn’t hit the peaks of Nick Doug, especially because they changed the voice of Doug (it was obvious you corporate douchebags) but it still had some fun moments.
There was a little bit less, I dunno, magic – perhaps – with the Disney version. As ironic as that is. But it’s still super fun to watch, and you’ll get a decent binge of nostalgia across the three seasons.
The Emperor’s New School is also available on the platform, with two seasons of eps. Although I’ll admitTENS doesn’t quite match up against The Emperor’s New Groove movie, its definitely wholesome content – filled with memories of the OG TV binge.
And these are just one of many shows when you start to dig into the mountains of content available on Disney+. Definitely at least worth the initial 7-day free trial, across four different emails obviously.
For more details and to sign up to Disney+, click here.