
ScoMo Fkd Up Yet Again With Another PR Disaster On Kangaroo Island

He told people they should be grateful no one died – but two people did.

It seems that every day there’s a new instance of ScoMo embarrassing himself with yet another awkward interaction with bushfire victims.

First he got chased out of Cobargo by angry residents, then he forced a woman to shake his hand, and then a firey too, and now ScoMo has told people they were lucky that no one died in the Kangaroo Island fires – forgetting that actually, two people did.

The awkward gaffe happened when Scott Morrison was visiting bushfire victims in Kangaroo Island after a third of the island was  burnt by infernos.

A video shows Scott Morrison saying “thankfully, we’ve had no loss of life.”

“Two. We’ve lost two,” a local awkwardly reminds him.

Scotty from Marketing then quickly responds “Two. Yes two, that’s quite right. I was thinking about firefighters firstly.”

To make it worse, the two men who tragically died in the fires had actually been fighting fires for several days beforehand.

Dick Lang, 78, was a well-known pilot and his son Clayton Lang, 43, was a surgeon. They died after their car was caught up in the Kangaroo Island fires. This now brings the death toll of the 2019/2020 Australian bushfires up to 25 as of the 9th of January.

Image Sources: Twitter


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