There’s absolutely nothing wrong with trying to discover something new and more satisfying than your present job. Some people realise this while they’re still studying, others reconsider their decision once the daily routines kick in. It’s never too late to embark on a career change, but you need to take into account a few things before you take the plunge. Don’t go dropping out of that five-year uni course or leaving your current position at work before you have taken everything into consideration. Here are a few tips and tricks to get you going.
You’ll Always Have Another Chance
Those who believe that once they start uni can’t change their career path should think again. You’ve decided to take the social work route, but realise after graduation that communications is more your thing. That bachelor degree that certifies your skills, is most likely gonna get you into the doorway of many career paths, so don’t be scared to expand. The same goes for those already working. If you’re not completely happy with the choice you’ve made, there’s still time to make a change and try something new. Remember, your skills are transferable.
Don’t Expect An Overnight Change
Rarely do people wake up one morning and get an idea that they should change their career. It is typically a process that takes some time. The same applies to the actual process of change. You need time to decide what is it that you’d like to try, what skills you’d need to acquire and look for employment opportunities. So, give yourself enough time to analyse all that before making the decision.
Believe In Yourself
Wishing to change something is one thing, but having enough strength and self-belief to do it is a completely different ballgame. You need to stop to think of yourself in that job, before you can imagine yourself doing it. It takes a lot of self-confidence to do that, but unless we can believe it, no-one else will believe it either. The moment you start thinking of yourself as something else, you’ll allow the magic to happen.
Consider The Financial Implications
It’s very important to consider finances when initiating a career change. Don’t go pursuing the artist route if you’re already living out of home with multiple finances to pay. It’s important when making the career change jump that you consider the financial aspect. Some people get carried away and neglect the implications of change, leading to frustration. If you’re not certain about this issue, feel free to consult some experts, such as those from the renowned Pherrus, who can give you advice and some useful insight.
Find Your Passion
If you really want to feel good about the change, you should look for the field that excites you, that makes you feel good and an environment that you’ll be happy in. The more thought you give to this aspect, the more chances of making a successful change you’ll have.
Use All Opportunities To Learn
If you want to learn more about a certain field, you need to network with people in the chosen sector. Talk to those employed in the same company, or at least industry, to get some useful insight and information about the real life. You may have a completely wrong picture and talking to those with experience might either prevent you from making a big mistake or encourage you to make the transition.