Every week Vox Pop chats to millennials from all over Australia, getting their opinion on current trending news from around the globe. Short, sharp opinions that are straight to the point. No side-stepping here.
Name: Andy
Age: 22
Occupation: Student and paralegal
Donald Trump tweeted the wrong date for the election in a callout to voters, silly mistake or sign of things to come?
Let’s hope it’s a mistake big enough to ensure that ol’ mate isn’t a thing that will be coming or going anywhere.
Mike Baird premier of NSW went back on legislation that made greyhound racing illegal, necessary policy move or spineless act?
Mike Baird’s about as useful as a submarine with windscreen wipers and is as politically convincing as a gift of sand to the Arabs. One step forward two steps backward for animal welfare. Will miss being able to brag to Sydneysiders if he ends up doing the same kind of backflip on the lock out laws though #Revs.
Brisbane staffers at the Apple Store have been fired for sharing customers photos, invasion of privacy or stupidity by the selfie takers?
I’m not one to turn down a good Apple Store sample iPad selfie opportunity. Also don’t mind a bit of workplace banter by any means. I guess it’s reasonable to expect that your in-store photos aren’t going anywhere. Probably not alright to have shared the photos, then again, from a pragmatic point of a view, don’t take photos on a publicly accessible device if you really don’t want anyone seeing them. Silly duffers all round.
Rhonda Rousey is set to return in a championship fight, exciting to watch or PR pawn?
Everything about UFC is just one big PR bonanza. I’d be fibbing if I said I don’t enjoy watching a classic left right goodnight though.
An insurance giant has indicated the housing boom is about to burst by the end of the year, good sign for people to get a foot in the door or detrimental to home owners?
A bit of both I’d imagine. Mind you, I don’t think the market’s going to “burst” to the extent that property will all of a sudden become accessible to first home buyers. Prices are still obscene unless you don’t mind living past the black post in Woop Woop and spending three hours commuting to the CBD everyday during the working week..
A case in the Gold Coast is before the courts, where during a tinder date a woman fell to her dean of a 12 storey balcony. Scary risk of Internet dating or better screening required?
I was on Tinder at one point in my life, so can confirm that there’s definitely weirdos online out there. Just be as careful as possible I guess. Update your description to include the fact that you’re not into balconies. Prevention is better than cure. Apparently the dude went and bought a pizza after the woman fell. I wonder what topping he chose. Like, what pizza topping do you suddenly feel like after you witness something as full on as that? High on the prosecution’s question list no doubt.
Nick Kyrgios pulled another stunt this week, are you fed up with his tantrums or believe he’s misunderstood?
That dude honestly just needs a big smack from mum and dad and to go to bed without watching The Simpsons for a week.
Creepy clowns are popping up everywhere, cult like or conspiracy?
I still don’t really get where this fad has come from. Like, why? Dunno.
A local campaign in Toowoomba is trying to rid the city of porn entirely, smart move or restriction of freedom?
Depends where you stand I guess. If your Tinder date just ended up over the balcony maybe porn is what you’d need to make yourself feel a bit better.
An American reporter misunderstood Andrew Bogut when he spoke of the US election being shit as, OK effort to decipher an Aussie accent or just plain hilarious?
Yeah nah the cobber’s given it a dinky di effort in having a crack at true blue speak. I’m well and truly over hearing about the US election. November 8 could not get here fast enough. Struth.