With a new advice column on Pop Sugar, a MAFS reaction story on Whimn, and now her very own podcast, Abbie Chatfield is the real Bachie success story that most reality stars hope to become.
While on the show she was slut-shamed, ridiculed and bullied in some of the most drastic backlash Aussie TV has seen – but of course, in true feminist kween fashion, she turned it all around for herself and we’re so here for it.
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Instagram worthy ➡️ the other 271 pics with my eyes half open while Tryna flex using portrait mode on self timer ?
We had the privilege of talking to Abbie Chatfield about her rise to fame, the double standards and fake feminism of the influencer sphere, and most importantly, her all-new podcast – filled to the brim with piping hot tea.
Of course, when I started the interview and told her I’m a bit rushed, she said not to worry and that she’s literally sitting in her undies in bed – which is a total Abbie vibe and I rate it.
How Abbie Chatfield Went From Most Hated Bachie Contestant To Sex-Positive Icon
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TW: Abortion I know a lot of you know about this, but when I spoke about having an abortion on @shamelesspodcast I felt like I was so scared and nervous for backlash that I didn’t express myself as well as I could have. I wanted to put this here to have for women to come back to and relate to and feel like they aren’t alone. I got such amazing messages from women of all ages and backgrounds after coming out with this story originally, so I hope sharing it in long form will help more people. Talking about it is a part of my healing as well. If any of you are struggling with a decision such as this, please DM me. I’ll help all that I can. I understand the depression that comes afterward, and the guilt, but I’m glad I’m here today.
One of the things that I found most shocking about Abbie’s reality star arc was how the moment people pointed how watchers were sexist for slut-shaming her, commentators who intentionally slandered her changed their tune quite drastically. Suddenly, the public loved how authentic and open she was about her feelings and life.
“It’s strange hey,” she said, pausing thoughtfully when I asked her about the random re-brand in the way Aussie media approached her.
“You see, that’s the thing about cancel culture. Once you throw out a word like sexist, racist, or homophobic, people are like ‘oh fuck.’ No one wants to be seen as the least ‘woke.’
Especially with reality TV, people see it as a bit of a sport to be judgemental.
She explain how people project their insecurities and honestly, 6 minutes into this interview we were already talking about basic psychology principles. I can tell the podcast is going to be great.
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Today is National Be Kind Day! Though you guys know I’ve had more than my fair share of cyber bullying (and some in person too) I want to celebrate some kindness in the world! I get heaps of positive messages that make my day and though I can’t reply to all of them, I read as many as I can and they always make me feel a little more hopeful about the world. Swipe to see just a few message that have made me smile. Be more like these people today and every day! ???❤️???? #standinguptothebullies
When I asked Abbie about what she thought when thousands of women stopped slut-shaming her the moment she said she was a feminist, we seemed to be thinking along the same lines.
“I definitely do think it’s a bit fake, and I do get uneasy when I hear girls tell me they used to hate me, absolutely loathe me, and now they suddenly love me,” she said, trying to make sense of it all.
“And it’s like, thanks I guess, thanks for liking me – but I don’t understand how someone can have such a drastic pendulum swing? It feels kind of performative.”
Of course, she went on to say that she’s definitely grateful that she’s getting more support than hate now- but she also knows that a lot of it might not be very genuine.
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2020 resolutions have already been broken but time doesn’t really exist and I could just say I want to become a person I like better tomorrow and do it but it’s easier to procrastinate until 2021 because my resolutions have been broken for this year so like oh well.
Abbie On Fake Feminism And Influencers
Influencer culture is infamous for double standards, fake messages and toxicity. Turns out the feminist sphere is unfortunately not immune from that.
“It’s tough. It’s like, girls who are posting feminist messages literally laughed at me when I told them I was a feminist. There’s a ‘I’m not really a feminist, I love men’ vibe,” Abbie said, in regards to influencers sharing feminist content on their platform.
“It’s like when the Be A Lady video came out. It’s a great video but it’s what we’ve all been saying for years,” said Abbie, referring to this video:
“And then I see influencers posting it, and I’m like, you support skinny tea, I’ve heard you say the world slut at events, I’ve seen you say ‘oh she’s a fucking bitch’ and use gay as an insult.
“These people constantly post about weight loss and skinny teas, and then share that video and claim feminism, despite doing things that are counter to the feminist movement.”
But then Abbie sighed, and mentioned that she’s just glad people are at least sharing feminist messages.
“Look,” she said.
“Going back to it, I just need to be grateful that people are talking about it, because this might be the way some girls are introduced to feminism. But at the same time, it really irritates me when influencers use feminism as a way to get more followers and social media engagement.”
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Committed for life. Chaotic good?
It’s A Lot – Abbie Chatfield’s New Podcast
Okay, obviously the first question I ask Abbie is if this podcast is going to contain all the tea. Anyone who follows her Instagram will be familiar with her Tea Tuesdays – and yes, they are the highlight of my week.
“Oh my god, absolutely,” she said, lighting up at once.
“So in the first episode that we’ve just posted, we talk about our worst nude story, and awkward stories of us hooking up with guys. Because I word vomit, I just keep talking, so there’s definitely a lot of tea and we make sure there’s some for each episode.”
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I feel like there are very few places you could hear “speaking of masturbation, what’s your worst nude story?” from two gals drinking Pinot and juuling??? @itsalotpod Episode 1 is out now. Listen to hear these nude stories. Joined by stunning @gabsteele ???
Obviously, that’s pretty much enough to convince any girl to get on the pod – but something that I kept thinking about was how much hate Abbie might get from dishing out juicy details from her life.
Just recently, a publication posted an article (that I refuse to link here) saying that Abbie was suffering a mental breakdown, purely because she twerked in an Instagram story. So, that’s the kind of sexist shit that follows her around.
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THIRST TRAP WITH A MESSAGE ? Despite all of my posts about body positivity, and my firm belief in loving yourself despite your size, not because of it.. I recently split some jeans in multiple places. The culprit was a bit of weight gain, and also a few high kicks while on the dfloor. I promised myself I wouldn’t buy new jeans until I lost weight. Why? Why have I put arbitrary conditions on whether I am allowed to buy myself some jeans that fit me right now? Why can’t I just buy a size up instead of putting conditions on myself because my waist is no longer a size 6? I’m happy with my body right now, but societal pressures fester in my mind, remnants of a childhood typical of any other woman, one that forces us to think gaining weight is always negative. I’m the healthiest I’ve ever been, the happiest I’ve ever been, so in conclusion I tried jeans on and I didn’t feel shame when I had to squeeze my ass into them. Didn’t buy them… but the sentiment remains the same. Let’s get rid of the notion of rewarding yourself when you get to a certain weight or size, buy clothes you like NOW for current you?
“Yeah, there’s definitely a lot of stuff in there that I’m scared is going to turn into a headline like ‘ABBIE SENDS NUDES’, but then I think about it and I’m like, anyone normal would just be like ‘okay’ and probably wouldn’t care too much,” she said.
“I have total control over my podcast, so I know that whatever I put out there, I stand by saying at this point in time. And honestly, I’ve been shamed for literally everything you could be shamed for in my position, except for my race.”
“At this point I’m like, what more can they fucking do to me.”
Abbie Chatfield’s “I don’t give a fuck” attitude is exactly what we adore about her. And Channel 10 must adore her too – because guess who’ll be back on our screens with Bachelor in Paradise!
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Well! Here we go again. My walls are up after my last on screen heart break, but will anyone be able to break them down in @bachelorinparadiseau ?
You can check out Abbie Chatfield’s new podcast, here.