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5 Side Hustle Ideas For A Bit Of Extra Cash Money

Be smart, make cash. Or something like that right?

We’re always keen on earning a bit of extra cash. So whether you’re prepared to put some serious effort in, or are just doing it to get you through until pay day, check out these easy (and not so easy) money makers. You can do these around your job or uni, but be prepared to work hard. Money doesn’t grow on trees people..

#1 Sell Your Photography/Artwork

Hello to those who have a creative flare about you. If you love doing photography as a hobby, or even if you’re doing it for your degree, why not sell your work? You might even get some serious recognition. The Foap app allows you to sell your work online for $5 a piece. You can sell the photos as many times as you want to, so once you’ve taken the pics and uploaded them, you can put your feet up and let them sell themselves.

#2 Busking

You may have a voice of an angel. I unfortunately do not, but if you do, show it off and get singing on the streets of your town or city. A busking permit might be necessary so check with your local authorities but it should be easy enough to obtain. You can earn heaps, especially if you go to the right places and it’s a sunny day where plenty of people are about. And you never know, someone might walk past who wants to sign you and you could be the next BeyoncĂ©. Maybe.

#3 Fiverr


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For those of you who haven’t bothered to get on the Fiverr bandwagon yet, now is your time to shine. Crack out your skills and earn a bit of cash whilst gaining experience and doing something you love. Fiverr is a platform to advertise your time and skills, whether it be social media marketing, logo design, translation, book keeping or even relationship advice. It may take a bit of time to set up your profile so it’s super marketable to potential clients, but once you’re set up, watch the jobs roll in. I’m loving this profile that sells cute af personalised drawings of your pup, cause who doesn’t want a portrait of your fur baby on ya’ wall.

#4 Re-Invest In Smarter Tech

Sometimes it takes a bit of money to make some money. Maybe you already have a little side project or hustle that you’re making a bit of cash with – but the processes you use mean that you might be losing cash. For example if you’re a busker, maybe have a little iPad or tablet setup where people can find you on Spotify or buy your music. Maybe if you have a market stall or small food business, look at investing pos software (point of sale) that will mean you can make the buying process a lot easier for your customers.

Whatever it is, sometimes the little bit of investment at the start will mean a greater return in a few months.

#5 Bitcoin

Jump on the Bitcoin hype and make your millions! Okay, well, not quite. But if you’ve got a bit of skill, or you’re willing to learn a bit about the online currency, chances are you might make a buck or two. Bitcoin Wallet and Coinbase are easy to use apps for the beginners amongst us. This is by no means the easiest way to make money if you’re a lazy mofo but you could earn big money quick if you keep an eye on the market.

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