Dating & Sex, Life

5 Things To Refrain From Doing After A Break Up

Break ups suck. that’s definitely nothing new. Whether you’re on the receiving end of one, or you’ve bitten the bullet and ended it; we’ve all been there, or at least know someone else who has. It’s important to give yourself time post breakup, but it’s also important to make sure that you don’t over step the mark when it comes to dealing with the post break up grieving process. Here are 5 things you should probably refrain from doing after a break up…

#1 Stalking Them Online

Nothing good ever came from stalking your ex online, post breakup. In fact, scrolling through their Instagram feed, or constantly stalking their Snapchat stories looking for answers or clues as to what they’re up to, is probably only going to make you feel even worse.

If you don’t want to see them doing things that you know will make you upset, then click that unfollow or delete button and be done with it. You may miss following their every move for a few days (you little stalkers), but then we guarantee you’ll be too busy to even be thinking about what they’re up to.

 #2 Trying To Make Conversation With Them

Let’s be honest, if they wanted to talk to you – they would. So, stop trying to make unnecessary contact with them. Stop constantly looking towards your phone to see if their name pops up, and hoping that they are going to text you or give you a call. If you’ve found something of theirs at your house, refrain from using it as an excuse to message them about it. Trust us, it’s for the best.

 #3 Drunk Text Or Calling Them

Just don’t do this. Ever. Being intoxicated is no excuse to call or text them, and you’re only just going to end up regretting it the next day. We recommend handing your phone to your friend and instead, focusing on having a great night out and enjoying yourself. There is nothing worse than waking up to a voicemail from your ex, or trying to decipher a drunken text message.

 #4 Hiding Away

 Ok, we give you permission to do this for the first couple of weeks while you’re going through the early stages, but then it’s really important to leave the house and to start entering the world again.

Give yourself time to grieve, but also remember that the world is still out there for you to explore. Hiding away is definitely not going to bring your relationship back, in fact – it’s only going to give you more time to think. Reconnect with friends you may have lost contact with, or find some hobbies and things to occupy you.

#5 Giving Up Hope

What’s happened, has happened. Have your time to mourn and feel sad, but remember that life does go on. It’s going to hurt for a while, maybe even a long time depending on the relationship. However, giving up hope that you’ll never be happy again or you’ll never be in a relationship again is unrealistic. Go and do what makes you happy, make like Justin Beiber and learn to love yourself.

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Jemma is a Canberra based style & wellness blogger who originally founded her blog, A Stylish Moment, whilst studying at University. Jemma documents her style edits, health and fitness knowledge, and travel reviews, as well as wellness and lifestyle tips and inspiration. Jemma has worked with a variety of brands, featured in various media outlets and is working her #GirlBoss butt off so she can turn her blog into a full time venture! You'll regularly find Jemma sipping chai latte's and scoping out the the best place in which she can take an outfit photo!

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