
A Magical Cauldron Bar Is Coming To Sydney & Melbourne

Cocktails fanatics, gather round..

If you consider yourself to be one fine wizard when it comes to mixing drinks and making mean cocktails, then this event is the perfect experiment for you.

A magical cocktail experience is popping up in the form of The Wizard Den in Melbourne and Sydney next April 2019. Get down and dirty with some mixology and create your perfect drinks. They may change colour, bubble and smoke so much you’ll feel like you’re in a Hogwarts Potion’s class.

Tickets are limited and will include the consumption of your cocktails, and an immersive wizarding theme to really top it all off. You’ll have a potions master on hand to help you out, but feel free to go wild with your creations.

Sign up quick so you don’t miss out on fulfilling your wizarding dream here.

Image Source: River & Bear

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