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Ciarran From The Bachelorette Embraces His Vulnerability And Why Can’t All Guys Be Like This

We love a king who can show his vulnerability.

Last night’s ep of the Bachelorette broke hearts across Australia. Our favourite British contender for Angie’s heart left the mansion. And it was emotional to say the least.

The end of ep 7 was wild and Ciarran was noticeably not himself. The drama around Carlin’s rose turned out to be fake news (Timm you silly goose) and got Ciarran a lil fired up. But this wasn’t the Ciarran we know and love?

A chat with Angie after he’d swapped out of his formal attire revealed that his grandmother had passed away. We watched as he told her through tears that he needed time to grieve and spend time with family. And so we saw our sweet prince leave the Bachelorette mansion.

I don’t know much about the inner workings of reality TV, but I’m sure the producers would’ve given him some kind of opportunity to compose himself before talking to Angie and making his exit. The death of a close relative is an awful thing to go through. Ciarran decided to wear his heart on his sleeve and was not shy about showing his tears and embrace his need to be with family. This kind of vulnerability is something we rarely see in blokes, particularly on Australian television. And it’s about time we did.

This Wasn’t The First Time We Saw His Softer Side

But Ciarran wasn’t just open about his grief. Earlier in the season he told Angie very openly about having had plastic surgery and working as a stripper. He told her how much he loved his grandma and their regular chats over the phone. It was amazing to see – Ciarran was totally forthcoming and didn’t have a trace of shame about him when he declared his truths.

The kind of vulnerability and healthy communication of emotion that Ciarran showed is something that every guy should take note of. His adventurous outfits and the life-drawing escapade showed he is clearly comfortable in his own skin as well. He totally embraced everything about himself and you could tell Angie (and the rest of Australia) was really digging it. And it is rare – reality TV is often plagued with toxic masculinity.

I know I’m not alone in initially thinking Ciarran was going to be bad news after the first Bachelorette 2019 promos. He proved us all so wrong. The same could be said for Adam on Love Island. It’s an awesome thing to see guys being themselves and setting a fab example for all of us addicting to watching these shows.

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