It’s come to the time of the year where Time Magazine awards the ‘Person Of The Year’ award to someone they think is worthy of it. It’s been a hell of a year for politics, social justice and entertainment, which is very clear by Time’s list of nominees.
- Donald Trump
- Vladimir Putin
- Meghan Markle
- March for our Lives anti-gun activists
- South Korean President, Moon Jai-in
- Dr Christine Blasey Ford
- Black Panther director, Ryan Coogler
- Saudi Journalist, Jamal Khashoggi
- Separated Families at the US border
- Special Counsel Robert Mueller
While the list is a pretty good idea of what has gone down in the past year, the list is a pretty bizarre and assorted group of people.
Time Magazine describes the award as “the person or group of people who most influenced the news and the world — for better or for worse — during the past year.” We think that’s a pretty good explanation considering some of the names on this list.
We’re completely and totally interested in who is going to snatch up the award this year, let’s hope it goes to people who deserve it.