No festival is more intertwined with it’s locale than Splendour in the Grass. The sun filled days of July like no other, the relaxed beach vibe that flows from campsite to main stage, and the embracing of local spirit. Sure, there’s a stalwart of travelling concert bandwagons, meandering from town to town and focusing on the artists more than any other element. (Hello endless drink lines). But Splendour does things differently, so it’s no surprise they’re offering up something truly spectacular to help the community in the wake of Cyclone Debby.
If you missed out on the ticket of the year, fear not if your budget permits you’re about to have an even more memorable four days on Byron’s sunny shores. All the while dancing to Queens of The Stone Age and LCD Soundsystem among many an esteemed name. Fun knows no budget for you? Or perhaps you’re a partying philanthropist ready to throw a few handy at the flood relief effort, it’s time to put your money where your mouth is. There’s 50 Gold Flood Relief Passes to be auctioned off to this year’s splendiferous festival and if you have at least $500 (the reserve price) it could be you holding that in your hands.
The gold pass will get you access to the Gold Bar, say goodbye to the plebs waiting in line missing their act of choice, a side of stage viewing platform at the Amphitheatre stage (the one that’s notoriously hard to exit swiftly as you make a dash for the Main stage) and access to the Golden View bar with prime outlook on the Main stage. Plus bragging rights for being both a wonderful human and a raucous VIP.
Come Tuesday 2nd May to Friday 5th May, each day will see a fresh batch of bidding material released for auction, 9am-9pm prospective bidders. Auction winners will be advised at the end of the night of their prize winning bid and god darn good heartedness. So if you know what’s good for you and you have a kitty ready to go, jump on the Splendour website and register your deets early.
Picture this you’re holding a crisp apple cider while swaying to The XX then you run into Stormzy and Schoolboy Q at the bar, catch a glance of the luscious Haim locks and gape at Dave Grohl fiddling with a pick before his set. Not to mention the celebs behind the scenes who make their way to the fine grassy paradise of Byron each year – Instagram fodder galore.
Although the flood waters have subsided, the damage still remains and each penny you pluck from your piggy bank and put towards this effort will make a difference. If you recall the feeling of satisfaction that engulfed you after claiming your eBay winning bid notification, then you’ll know that the warm and fuzzies post this buy are likely to be ten fold the feels. Happy bidding you kind souls!
Image source: Life Without Andy.