We’ve had some wild and strange weather so far in December. From some hectic hail, to downpours, to experiencing all four seasons in one day. It hasn’t exactly been a well, traditional, summer. Well thou shall ask and thou shall receive.
Summer is about to really turn up the dial over the coming festive week or two, with temperatures around the country set to reach early to mid 30’s almost everywhere. Rain is staying well clear for all of your holiday mischief, with the below snapshot a rough look at the coming days via the Bureau of Meteorology.
Thursday December 27th, will be the true reckoning with pretty much everywhere sitting in the mid 30’s right through to the early 40’s.
So slip slop slap about fifteen times if you want to avoid all of the peeling.
You poor kids in Adelaide and Canberra, are really going to roast – with highs in the mid-to-late 30’s every day until 2019, with some days hitting 40 and above (god save you all). Darwin and surrounds will also be hovering in the mid 30’s.
Sydneysiders, you’re set to hit 30 degrees every day until 2019 is here, and you’ll probs be scraping 30-35 on the last day of the year, too. Brisbane and Melbourne, you’re much the same with the mercury set to tip 36 on Thursday in the latter.
Perth and Hobart are set to be a little bit cooler, with highs in the late 20’s.
Enjoy the frequent beach days, Zooper Doopers and uncle’s telling you they’ve survived hotter at family lunch.
Image Source: Fox