
Bumble Wants To Hire You To Travel The World And Go On Dates, So Um Get Moving

Hey you good looking folk, boy do I have an opportunity for you. The legends at Bumble are currently looking to hire someone for a position so good, you may want to quit your job and maybe even dump your S.O (then again maybe not..). BUT you single crew, this could be your time to shine.

The feminist dating and social networking app is taking applications for a “Global Connector Bee.” And the job description is almost too good to be true. The gig requires traveling the world, networking, making friends and even dating.

The position only lasts up to one year, so while you may not make a career out of it, at least you’ll be taking a break from your current one. I mean, it’s literally a year-long holiday that someone else is paying for.

A Global Connector Bee will be responsible for writing blog posts and sharing their experiences on social media, which sounds achievable enough. Seriously, people share nearly every meal they eat on social media already. And at this point, if you travel and don’t post about it on your social media page, did you really travel?

And hey, if sharing your dating life with the internet isn’t a comfortable thing to do, you could definitely get used to it. Maybe just keep those dick pics to yourself hey, no one needs to see that.

In order to apply, you have to be above the age of 18 years old and living in Australia, the United States, the UK or Canada; so get moving young skippys.

The deadline to apply is Friday 14 June, so if you’re interested, hop on it. Bumble has 60 million users across 150 million countries, so it’s likely there will be lotttttts of applications. I wouldn’t quit your job (just yet).

Needless to say, the person chosen for this position is basically the luckiest person alive. GO!

  • How often do you use dating apps per week?

    • Don’t use any.
    • 1-2 times per week, maybe?
    • 3-4 times per week, here and there.
    • 5+ times per week, pretty regularly.

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