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Why This Insta Model’s Cocaine Confession Is Both Great and Awful

In a series of candid videos posted to her Instagram Story overnight, model and influencer Ruby Tuesday Matthews has confessed that she grappled with an intense cocaine addiction in her pre-pregnancy days. Matthews was totally real about her struggles, admitting that she used cocaine on the reg as she partied her way to a physique so many of us aspire to achieve.


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The model sported a figure not too dissimilar to hundreds of other girls we’re used to seeing on our feeds. Long and delicate bodies posed effortlessly in dreamy locations. Protruding hip bones and strikingly visible rib cages are now the essential elements toward achieving #bodygoals.

We’re all guilty of scrolling past these types of posts knowing full well that the more we look, the further we continue down the perpetual spiral of self-doubt and criticism.


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Ruby’s confession was overly casual and lighthearted as she laughed about her diet of baggies, cigarettes and long black coffees. In the stories she admitted that her boozy lifestyle continued right up until she found out she was pregnant with her first child.

The model see-sawed back and forth from stressing the severity of her addiction, and admitting how easy it was to hide, to joking about how normal it was, claiming that all models enjoy a baggie more often than we may think.

The vids were certainly a step in the right direction towards opening up a discussion about the realities of social media and props to her for revealing the honest, ugly truth behind her profile. Yet at the very same time we can’t help but feel like with an Insta following of more than 194,000, it was a bit of a missed opportunity to discourage young girls from travelling down the same drugged up path.

Her coffee/cocaine/ciggies addiction pre-birth is also obviously extremely worrying, and definitely something no one should ever try. But in this day and age of social influence, and with so many young females in the palm of her hand, does Ruby have more of a responsibility in how she treats her body – especially when speaking to so many people? There’s no doubt you can take some positives and negatives from the whole saga.

Image Source: Ruby Tuesday Matthews Instagram

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