
International Women’s Day Protests Around The World

These women are radical as hell.

International Women’s Day has always been a call for protest. While some people were eating pink cupcakes, millions of others around the world took to the streets to demand better treatment for women. From France to Pakistan, here’s a quick review on how women resisted.


Chile has been enduring mass social unrest over high costs of living and inequality, with Sunday’s protests expected to reignite that passion. Police have been incredibly violent in past protests, with organising groups recommending that those attending bring protective eyewear and tear gas masks.

The organisers of the event, Coordinadora 8m Santiago said that they “demand that they stop shooting at us mutilating us, raping us and commit to protecting humans rights.”

The protests ended at the gates of the Palace with a rendition of “A Rapist In Your Path”, the Chilean song that went viral last November.


Mexican feminists focused on the complete lack of leadership by the government after more than 1000 women’s murders were classified as gender-based femicides. Valentine’s Day protests saw women cover the presidential palace in blood red paint, a damning symbol of the deaths their inaction has caused. The names of the women killed by femicide since 2016 were stencilled on in front of Mexico’s National Palace, with over 3,300 listed.

A nationwide strike was planned for Monday, with millions of women staying home from work and school.


Thousands of people took to the streets the next day, using the recent corona virus to demand an end of the “virus of the patriarchy.” One woman was killed every two of three days by a current or former partner in 2019. Famous feminist group Femen protested topless in the centre of Paris, wearing masks, gloves, and bio hazard-like suits.

A separate march in Paris the night before International Women’s Day ended with 9 people arrested after police violence. The feminist groups who organised it called for “antiracist feminism”, with thousands of supporters joining them. The mayor of Paris condemned the police action, calling the violence against women “inadmissible and incomprehensible.”


Protests went ahead around the country despite conservative groups literally filing a petition in court to stop them. They took issue with the phrase “my body, my choice” being used throughout feminist circles. Conservative Islamist organisations held counter protests, accusing them of encouraging anti-Islamic vulgarity.

Organiser Anam Rathor said that the opposition they faced just proved why they were protesting in the first place: “now we will have more people. The reason why they are throwing stones is because they are afraid of us and that makes us happy.”

A woman interviewed by NPR came to the protests for that exact reason, saying that “our religion does not teach us any of the things they are standing up against, our religion actually does fight for women’s rights.”

Image Sources: Twitter, @ajplus

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