I don’t think that being a woman should just be defined by marriage, babies and carriages. We’ve reached a point in society where a woman’s worth is measured by many different things.
Below is the list of 30 things we think you should aim for as a 20-something woman in 2015 – think of it as a to-do list that is going to set you up for greatness in your life.
1. How to wash your clothes from start to finish. Including how to separate your whites and colours, add softener, dry clothes and iron perfectly.
2. Have a staple breakfast, brunch, lunch and dessert dish you can make to perfection.
3. Your wine preference, for both red and white.
4. How to check the oil, water, and change the tyres on your car.
5. How to wash and detail the interior and exterior of your car.
6. The basics of driving a manual transmission.
7. Own a car that is not a piece of shit, but is reliable and safe.
8. How to write a formal letter and email.
9. Be well spoken – know about past, present and future tense and their correct uses and how to use correct grammar, punctuation and spelling.
10. Your rights at work – understand how you are paid and if you’re entitled to any commission or penalty rates.
11. Have a ‘grown up’ signature – no love hearts, stars or smiley faces.
12. How to lodge a tax return and know what you can and can’t claim.
13. How to tie a windsor knot on a necktie (you never know when it will come in handy).
14. Own a collection of bras that fit you perfectly. You’re now old enough to spend a little more on something good quality that’s going to support you and make you look EPIC.
15. Have a signature karaoke song that you nail every single time (drunk or sober).
16. Not be in any kind of physical relationship with any ex-boyfriend. Friendship is fine, but ladies, keep it in your pants.
17. Be perfectly confident in your current relationship status. If you’re single – own it! If you’re in a relationship, be confident in it and trust your partner.
18. Own a genuine leather handbag and shoes – investment wardrobe pieces will last you a long time and are worth the money.
19. Have a signature perfume that makes people think of you when they smell it.
20. Have mastered a basic make-up look that is flattering and takes less than 10 minutes to apply
21. Have a ‘proper’ hair cut and know how to style it yourself.
22. Have a savings account that has the same amount in it as your credit card limit.
23. Have no more than two credit cards – not all debt is bad debt, but spending more money than you earn is a sure way to bury yourself under reminder notices.
24. Be making a start on your career or deciding if you wish to continue studying.
25. Your mum’s favourite flower and perfume.
26. Your dad’s favourite scotch and cologne.
27. Have a decent skincare routine and know your skin type – it will have changed since you finished puberty.
28. Make regular dentist, optometrist, pap smear and doctors appointments – you need to start taking care of yourself properly.
29. Have started to travel around the world and experience different cultures.
30. Be confident in the woman you are becoming. You’re young and you don’t know everything yet. Listen to your mum – she usually knows best, not that you’d ever tell her that.
Image Source: internationaltoursandtravel.com
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