These days it’s bloody hard enough trying to land a job when you’re fresh out of uni with a degree in hand, possessing all the temporary optimism a new graduate could have, and even (half) decent marks to go with it.
Combine that with your endless desire to become a travel blogger, country-hoping around this fine earth without having to worry about the means to afford such lavish overseas plans. Degrees mean less and less these days, but goodness knows you need that job to help fund the bucket list.
So in a modern world of job struggles, we’ve put together a bunch of travel experiences that not only let you see the world, but will make those potential employers look twice when they’re checking out that resume of yours.
Create And Capture Everything
Even if you’re travelling just for the vibes, views or fun times – think about all the things you’re exposed to when doing just that. Amazing places, stunning scenery, intriguing cultures (yes, this includes trying to negotiate down the cost of that $20 t-shirt to $15.) Capture as much of that as you can. Go the extra mile to get that stunning photo in Rajasthan, write down little notes on the best hidden gems in London, film yourself jumping down a waterfall in Laos.
Capture it, create it, blog it. It ain’t hard these days making a website or creating an Instagram account to upload all your little pieces of content and it certainly shows how dedicated you are. Everyone one of us millennials travel, only a small percentage blog it properly. Being able to chuck a link to your Insta or website shows you go the extra mile.
Run Camps Overseas (And Get Paid)
Remember those camps you volunteered at as a kid and wished you got paid to do, but thought because it was such a good time that getting paid would never be an option? Well, dreams do come true friends. And when we say camps, think everything from Land and Water Sports, Arts & Crafts, Performing Arts, Music/Media, to Basketball, Tennis, and even Special Needs camps. AmeriCamp will literally put you into a camp you want to do, pay you nearly $2,000 for helping run it, plus cover all accommodation and food.
You’ll find some management skills you barely knew existed, and be surprised at the fact that you’re actually a lot better at event management than you thought. Much more impressive than just passing an Intro To Public Relations unit.
Exchange Semesters
I don’t think I’ve heard a more uttered-with-regret line post university than “man, I wish I did exchange.” So don’t get caught up being the person saying said line. Not only is exchange a bloody ripper time (yet to meet anyone who has hated exchange), but it doesn’t require long term commitment, you get to experience a different way of life and even possibly pick up a language.
It’s like you’re on an express adulting route, learning via new experiences that people like you back home certainly wont be. Not to mention the massive leap of faith it often takes to relocate for six to 12 months into a new country and city (meanwhile trying to pretend like you know how to make friends.) You can organise it through your university if studying or try Student Exchange, YUP or SCCE to find the right trip. Now when you say you’re a Quick Learner on your resume you can actually mean it.
Simple Skills
Remember how you hate math but somehow planned, facilitated and financed a road-trip around the United States with your buds? It’s funny when you have an end goal like travel, how much more life stuff you just instantly become better at. You don’t hate numbers as much anymore, you almost have to be better at planning ahead and just generally be more organised. You might even feel like you have more coordination in a completely new city, than your own hometown. Either way, you’re bound to develop a tonne of simple skills (that don’t really seem like skills on first thought.) But if you can bring some of these skills up in a cover letter, you’re going to be a lot more memorable (and you have an instant story for a potential employer if you score an interview!)
Learn All Of The Languages
Arguably one of the toughest life skills to master is learning a new language. You’re bound to pick up bits and pieces of another language if travelling into places like Europe, South America or Asia, so let that be a starting point. If you’ve got a trip planned in a couple of months, take some basic language classes in the lead up with a mate who’s going with. Or maybe use the undoubted post-travel-depression to spur you on and fully learn Portuguese or Japanese. You’re not going to master it overnight, and being able to say that you’re multilingual these days is a huge sign that once you start something you keep smashing it till it’s done. Perseverance points for you.
Unpaid (Or Low Pay) Work Experiences
If you’re going on a longer trip or adventure (let’s say over anything over eight weeks, right up to six months and beyond), there’s a good chance that you’ll probably pick up a few jobs along the way. So see if you can pen in some time working at one of the hostels you’re staying at, becoming a barista or working at a local bar. Heck even helping out for free at local community groups or soup kitchens. There is a reason why you normally meet people of all backgrounds at these types of places and venues. I’m not saying work your whole holiday, but you can easily add some working experience to your itinerary that will make for good reading to an employer next year.
Need a job but also desperate to travel? Well our buds at AmeriCamp will hook you up with both! Nah mate, you didn’t read that wrong, you’ll get paid to run epic camps in the United States (and be able to travel after it too!) Simply click here or fill the form below to apply, and you could be getting paid to travel quicker than you think.