Each week Vox Pop chats to millennials from all over Australia, getting their opinion on current trending news from around the globe. Short, sharp opinions that are straight to the point. No side-stepping here.
Name: Genevieve Enright
Age: 22
Occupation: Paralegal/Law Media Student
A poll this week says that 49% of Australians are for banning Muslim immigration, sad reality or incorrect figures?
I am usually sceptical of these polls, taking into account that the company who conducted it was a market research company, and the sample size is not indicative of significance level and expected effects. However, I think there is anxiety and fear towards immigration and what it means in terms of national security, which materialises into reservations towards Muslims.
Amal Clooney is taking on ISIS in the courtroom, hero or clever at generating publicity?
Amal Clooney has always been no stranger towards contentious celebrity cases, as I first heard her defending Julian Assange of Wikileaks. It’s not enough to call out ISIS in grandiose speeches or preparing for a call to arms; their exchange of sex slaves is in breach of several international conventions. If they nabbed Al Capone for his taxes, maybe this is a clever way to demonstrate they have standing. Of course it’s a way to generate publicity, but publicity leads to debate and nuanced discussion about the issues that matter to us.
Brad and Angelina’s divorce, no hope for love or no matter to you?
I liked them better in that movie with the guns and stuff.
Tinder and Spotify have teamed up to allow you to pick a theme song for your profile, what would your song be?
Time Warp-Rocky Horror Picture Show. I’d appropriate the lyrics to say: “It’s just a jump to the left, and then a swipe to the right!”
North Korea’s internet accidentally allowed foreigners to browse their sites, a total of 28 websites, massive mistake or act of propaganda?
I can’t imagine a nation with security as airtight as that having a misdemeanour and changing all their passwords to “user1234.” However, if they are happy for me to browse their sites, I will call up all my friends and the traffic will shut down their servers for approximately 15 minutes. This is how you win the war.
Times universities index came out this week and revealed a new number 1 in Oxford University, do the rankings mean anything or is it just the unit convenor that makes the difference?
My previous understanding of what constituted the top universities was always based on the Ivy League Universities, simply out of prestige and reputation. Nowadays I believe the relationship you have with academic staff speaks volumes. If they are an active player in their field they can offer you experience, contacts and the opportunity to fully develop your interests in a specific discipline. Plus, it makes those years at university go a little bit shorter!
The Bachelorette returned to TV this week, who’s your pick of the bunch and why?
Cameron the firefighter. He’s got the looks, the charm, and by default Georgia will probably barricade herself in the mansion just so he can swing his axe and break down the door.
Is a southern cross tattoo inherently racist or can it be patriotic?
Unfortunately, there is a stigma associated with the southern cross as a tattoo, normally for exclusionary purposes and infamously associated with race riots. However, as a symbol on its own, I think it takes on a different meaning than the media or certain demographics allow. As a little girl, I would look for it in the night sky, and it has cultural significance for many Indigenous Australians. So in that way, it is patriotic in that sense if it becomes unitive.
A court in America ruled that African-American suspects could lawfully evade police and not have the act be considered suspicious, breakthrough or too much leeway?
With such a skewed justice system against African Americans, particularly in the context of unarmed shootings, it appears to be at least a step in the right direction. This group of people have anxieties towards the Police in the best of times. At least in Australia’s context, we have the presumption that you are innocent until proven guilty, conceding that guilty people will walk free so that innocent people will not be unjustly locked up. With any ruling, it is on a case by case basis and must be applied with discretion and diligence.
A food waste supermarket in the UK where goods about to go off are sold for a pay as you feel price, a great system or unneeded service?
I think it is a great idea, considering there is so much wastage and destruction in the production and distribution of produce and meat, to name some examples. I’m sure there would be many charities grateful for the assistance that could be provided. I just hope it doesn’t end up being like the time Radiohead allowed fans to “name their price” for their new album-where you guessed it, people put zilch as their budget. Really?