Vox Pop chats to young Australians from all over the country, getting their opinion on trending news and issues from around the globe. Short, sharp opinions that are straight to the point.
Name: Harleigh Juanita Dickinson
Age: 24
Occupation: Data Analysis and Customer Service Agent
Lena Dunham of Girls fame put her foot in her mouth again, when this week she said she wished she’d had an abortion. Do you think it’s insensitive?
Yes, I do think it’s insensitive. What I took from the article was that Lena Dunham seemed to be trying to empathize with women that had had abortions and I think if she had of worded it differently it wouldn’t have sounded so crass. It’s an issue that has a heap of stigma around it already, just like Lena touches on in the article and I think treading very wisely and carefully is the only way to go
The internet is debating whether Last Christmas by Wham! is a Christmas carol or really a breakup song. Do you think it’s a breakup song?
I think it’s a break up song for sure. I learnt most of my Christmas carols in primary school and I can’t see them whipping out Last Christmas by Wham! for a good ol’ sing-a-long.
In New Zealand the first Maori emoji app launched this week, full of cultural iconography. What are your thoughts on all this separate emoji add ons?
All for it! I don’t see why there would be an issue with it, they’re celebrating their culture in the 21st century.
Margot Robbie secretly got married in Byron Bay over the weekend, and confirmed it with a telling Insta post. How do you feel about her forgoing the usual celebrity fanfare around a wedding?
I think it’s based on personal preference. I know people who want huge weddings, people who want to keep it chill and others who want to elope in Las Vegas (me). I admire her for doing her and sticking to what she wanted even though she’s a person in the limelight.
Mike Baird, premier of NSW has been suspiciously quiet on social media after a handful of public roastings. Should he log off altogether or are you eager to see him back?
I don’t follow him on any platform. It would be interesting to see how he’d come back and handle it all but in saying that from what I have seen of his internet presence just makes me angry. I am indifferent to whether he is back or not, although he hasn’t seemed to address any of the roasting in the past. Boy Bye.
Ashanti, Ja Rule and Eve are coming to Australia on tour together. Excited or over the wave of nostalgic acts?
“And it’s CRAY-ZAY, but BAY-BAY, I”… am so about all these 90’s and 2000’s stars coming out! Thank you to everyone who has made this possible I couldn’t be happier.
Bring out more! I want to take 50 to the candy shop, have Destiny’s Child tell me to take a minute girl come sit down and tell them what’s been happening, Sisqo to tell me about that thong and get my freak on with Missy.
A list of foodie trends for 2017 has tipped watermelon, seaweed, soup and a proliferation of vegetarian mock products to go off next year. Are you on board for those eats to take off?
Watermelon and Seaweed are always a given, but I am 100% ready for some vegetarian mock products! Vegan and Vegetarianism is a lot more popular now and a lot more people are open to eating at said restaurants and venues, so it’s great that there will be products to cater for that as there aren’t enough places that have this. With this comes a possibility of education around Veganism and Vegetarianism in the growing trend and I am all for aiding the change of perspective, especially around this topic. Providing and educating the consumer is going to make the cross over and or cutting down of meat a lot easier.
In the past Veganism and Vegetarianism has been quite heavily based on recipes and preparing at home because the products just aren’t there. It’ll be interesting to see the price range also, we all know it’s half the price to eat some plastic cheese and sugar bread burger than it is to get a decent salad and or sandwich or avoiding anything with the word ‘organic’ on it because it’ll cost an arm and leg.
Kevin Rudd has this week said the world is dealing with only the symptoms of terrorism and not the cause. Do you agree?
Yes I do, because terrorism comes in many different forms. I believe all nations are guilty of terrorism and prevention is better than cure. We have a hand in helping the destruction of other innocent lives and then send aid in a bid to blanket our involvement.
What’s the best Christmas movie of all time?
I know a lot of people won’t agree but The Grinch. I love Jim Carrey and seriously wanted to live in Whoville, which is totally like a less scary version of the maze in The Labyrinth, ever since I first watched it.
An article this week lectured millennials on their lack of knowledge about fabric softener like it was the end of the world. Do you think this generation bashing needs to stop?
Yes, yes, yes, leave us be! Things have changed people.. 4 year olds have iPad’s, virtual reality is about to take off and you can hold your whole life in one small electronic device.
It’s time all the baby boomers stop looking for anything to nit pick us with.