It’s ‘gonna be one magical carpet ride to the launch of the full length movie, but we’ve had to settle for the full length teaser in the meantime. The highly anticipated, highly controversial Aladdin trailer dropped this morning and it was one heck of an anxious wait.
I mean, I personally was a little unsure about Will Smith as the totally buffed up, electric blue, fleshy, god-like thingy with a questionably long goatee but hey, I’m not ‘gonna let my skeptics get in the way of some good Disney re-makes.
But the jury is in people, he does an alright job. Now I’m not going to overrate Will Smith based on a 2 minute clip but things are certainly headed in the right direction. He’s the same good for laughs guy we know him for and people are totally digging the Genie vibes.
Phew, I’m glad he’s getting a good wrap. Disney is a lucrative business and if done horribly, the childhoods of full grown adults run the risk of being totally burnt to a crisp. NOT something we ever want to endure.
Yet amidst all this really hot air about whether this Aladdin re-make would be good or dreadfully bad, Will Smith is attempting to cover all bases with some very clever marketing ploys. I admit, he’s probs got a whole team of savvy little branding geeks behind him, but Smith has done a really cheeky thing here.
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I know Genies donโt have Feet… But you left some Big Shoes to fill. ๐ R.I.P., Robin! And Thank You, @helloluigi Love the art work!
By paying tribute to the OG Genie, the late Robin Williams, he’s appealing to a whole bunch of people that doubt he’ll fill Williams’ shoes. Like every other movie he ever did, Robin Williams in Aladdin was flawless. We know this, Will Smith knows this, and now we’re all a bunch of vulnerable subjects to a clever marketing strategy.
I mean, I know I’m being skeptical here but c’mon. Disney knew there was a whole lot of cynical Disney fanatics out there and they couldn’t risk a flop. A flop in the realm of Disney movies is an offence to our childhoods. Well done Smith, you cheeky Genie, you.
Image Source: Walt Disney Studios Youtube, @WillSmith Instagram.