If you’re anything like me, you like a nice glass of wine but you also like to be wrapped up in your dressing robe accompanied by a face mask on a Friday night. Well, have I got news for you. We’ve come up with some of the best movies to coordinate a drinking game to, so you can have your sauv and drink it too. Think cinematic soirées on your Friday night, best of both worlds if you ask me.
High School Musical
Let’s start with a classic, HSM is just an old-school fave and you can never go wrong. This movie has some SERIOUS drinking game potential, so continue with caution.
Take a shot: every time any student breaks out in song. Take a swig: (a decent one at that) every time anyone screams out “Wildcats!” And finish your drink every time Zac Efron is shirtless (yum.)
Harry Potter
Wands at the ready. This one can be done for ANY of the eight movies, so whether or not you’re in for a marathon, drink responsibly (pls).
Take a shot: every time Harry’s full name is said aloud, ANYONE says “wand”, and finally, any time Ron says “bloody hell” or “blimey”. (I could add so many more, but you want to make it into the night clubs after don’t you?)
Mean Girls
Another opportunity to get quickly wasted, there is SO much potential here. So please, once again, exercise caution. If you’ve never watched Mean Girls before, you’re lying.
Take a shot: whenever someone says a rumour, “Regina George”, or every time Karen says something not so smart.
A personal fave, Cher’s sass just seems to be something I aim for in life goals, as well as her friendship with Dionne (oh, and her ever-changing wardrobe).
Take a shot: every time Cher has a new outfit, insults Josh, whines or says the words “uh, as IF”.
The Hangover
Another personal fave, not for anyone’s sass or impressive wardrobe, but good for a laugh. Honestly, I aspire to get this messed up one night.
Take a shot when: Stu touches his missing tooth or mentions it. Someone says remember. You see a Vegas landmark. Alan copies Phil.
The Great Gatsby
Okay, this might be a classy movie, but if you follow these guidelines, you will not be as classy as Leo at his extravagant house party, can guarantee. Any reason to watch Leo, right? Cheers, pals.
Take a shot: every time Gatsby says “sport”, you see a pinky ring, Gatsby swims, or Daisy makes things worse.
Back To The Future
You really didn’t think I’d miss the old school classic did you? I could be totally nerding out here, but my Dad’s upbringing tells me that this is educational, so if you haven’t yet watched it, now is a great time to do so.
Take a shot: every time a hover board appears, the words “McFly”, “DeLorean”, or “1.21 Gigawatts” are said
Image Source: Warner Brothers