Entertainment, Tech & Gaming

Apple Set To Change Their Charging Ports, So Kiss All ‘Ya Cables Goodbye

When Apple released the iPhone 7 back in 2016 without a headphone jack, things got pretty messy. We were furious about having to go out and replace every single iOS accessory we had stored away, and rightly so. Apple is without a doubt the leading supplier of wiz-bang tech stuff, yet this design seemed to make absolutely no sense.

Well well well, this is a friendly PSA that Apple’s next iPhone 11 design may have us doing things all over again.


There are some rumours circling on the interwebs that Apple is going to replace the existing charger with a USB adaptable port, similar to the iPad Pro which was just released. The change in design will mean that we can confidently throw away all our charger cords and headphones suitable for the iPhone 7 through to iPhone X, as they will all become obsolete. FFS APPLE.

The new USB-C feature will soon be uniform across all soon to be released Apple products but in the meantime, we’re forced to replace our tech accessories yet again. And while a lot of phones and devices are moving towards USB-C ports, meaning the future might be a little easier, our right-now selves aren’t thrilled.

Gosh Apple, pull ya self together plz.

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Kiah is a lover of anything to do with brunch, the outdoors and all types of wine and cheese combinations.

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