Application after application, schmoozy cover letters a plenty, searching for a new job can leave you completely drained. How do you break through your Seek search rut and into a new career? It’s that time of year folks, graduate applications are flooding HR departments and making yours stand out is no simple Word.doc away. Here’s 5 resume design templates to land you that new position and put you one cubicle closer to the corner office.
#1 Keep It Clean And Simple
Sleek, simple and refined in every sense of the word. This template is sure to show your schmick design skills and a little bit of your minimalist aesthetic. It’s certainly easy on the eyes and the information is readily digestible, perfect for speed reading HR people. Make it you own here.
#2 Brand Yourself
Sell yourself. And what better way to put that in practice then to treat yourself as the product, so brand accordingly. A smart icon as the header and a traditional outlay below, you’ll be raking in interviews in no time. Get to work and download it here.
#3 Explain Yourself
A template that is sure to wow recruiters with your unique flair. Like a pamphlet all about you, combining your resume, CV and portfolio. It works best when handed in person, but make sure to save it as a PDF for the easy of the interviewer. Make it all yours here.
#4 A Design Touch
A design for those erring on the side of traditional, but willing to try something a little more visual. Think infographic elements with icons, mind maps and all the information about you the recruiter could ever want. Personalise it here.
#5 Look To Landscape
This resume is sure to turn heads, pun intended, switching up the classic portrait style for a storybook style portfolio. If you’re looking to do things differently, this is one that takes confidence. But it’ll show your ability to be innovative and do things differently. Customise it here.
Image source: Beauty News.