Gladys is bloody at it YET AGAIN, with festival organisers from around Australia crucified Ms B and here government after they were sent a draft bill for festival safety and regulations. In a combined, open letter response, the wider live music industry and Australian Festival Association condemned the new apparent ‘rules’ that may come into effect.
After the rumoured festival suggestions from the NSW Coroner were leaked this week, it feels like this whole saga is reaching a tipping point. It’s an ongoing drama that would suggest Gladys has been on the pills for far longer than any festival punter. Especially given the seemingly lack of awareness the NSW Premier has displayed in this situation.
What’s even more trivial about the whole situation, is that it seems Gladys hasn’t even kept to her pre-election promises (then again, not shocked). In the letter, it’s claimed the Gladys Government assured the live music industry that they would consult with them when drafting the new festival bill. And surprise, surprise, this hasn’t happened.
The price of kids lives: $22 million dollars in revenue for NSW Police in the over policing of everything from jazz festivals to artsy events at Carriageworks.
Shame Gladys Shame#nswpol #auspol #pilltesting
— ███ █████ (@oliverlardner) October 16, 2019
The industry also claimed that the current bill showed a “total lack of respect” and that if the bill was green-lighted, it would deliver “huge uncertainty for all music festival operators and concert promoters” in the lead up to the hugely popular summer season of festivals.
More to come.
Read the full letter below:
Dear NSW Premier
Please meet with us.
As you are aware, the live music industry has repeatedly expressed our strong desire to work collaboratively with your government on our shared commitment to safer music festivals. Since February this year we have requested that you convene an industry roundtable to discuss regulation and safety at music festivals.
At a meeting on 20 February with government advisors and agency representatives, including from your office, we were assured proper industry consultation would be undertaken post the March election. This has not happened.
We again request that you immediately convene a roundtable to discuss regulation and safety at music festivals. The draft Bill tabled yesterday is unworkable. The industry was not consulted on the design of this draft legislation.
In its current form, it appears to be based on the regulations disallowed by the NSW Upper House which were unworkable for all the reasons outlined by industry. Without serious consultation with our industry this proposed legislation will not work and we do not support it.
Setting aside the total lack of respect for the live music industry which is the largest contributor by far to NSW live revenue and attendance, providing thousands of jobs, particularly in regional areas, this draft Bill also delivers huge uncertainty for all music festival operators and concert promoters in the lead up to the summer touring season.
We believe it is imperative that you immediately convene an industry roundtable to develop a workable framework that supports our shared objectives.
If you are genuine about your commitment to better safety at music festivals and saving lives, you will understand that collaboration with industry is the only way to deliver better safety outcomes.
We stand ready to work with you.
Yours sincerely,

Australian Festival Association

Live Performance Australia


Music NSW

Live Music Office
