
Give A Belly Rub To This Good Girl Who’s Over The Bloody Moon To See Her Astronaut Mum

3, 2, 1, blast off to happiness.

Christina Koch is the record-breaking astronaut who spent 328 days in space, the longest spaceflight by a woman in history. And, yeah, going to space is pretty awesome. And so is breaking a record, but I think the real star we should be paying attention to is Christina’s dog, LBD.

LBD (short for Little Brown Dog) hadn’t seen or heard from her owner in almost a year,so you can imagine how chuffed she would’ve been when Christina walked through the door.

But, like Christina said, it’s hard to tell who’s more excited: the returning astronaut, or the precious, wriggly dog.

We all deserve a love like that.

WeRateDogs, a well-regarded expert on dog ranking gave the reunion a 14/10 which, is a fair score.

Christina told the media that she was most excited to experience her favourite parts of home – her favourite foods (chips and salsa, my kind of woman), a trip to the beach, and to see her precious rescue dog. And, of course, her husband.

“To see your favorite animal is a symbol of coming back to the people and places you love,” she said, CNN reports.

My heart.

It’s safe to say that LBD has been getting plenty of belly rubs since Christina’s been back. And I imagine every morning she is excited to see that her owner’s return wasn’t just some kind of wild dream.

Dogs are too good for this world. But we all deserve to know and experience that kind of crazy-excited-over-the-moon-jumping-out-of-your-skin euphoria that only dogs give.

Live with the love of a dog.

So no more space trips for a while, Christina, don’t leave LBD like that again – but, if you do, I’m happy to take care of her.

Image Sources: Twitter (Christina H Koch)

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